SeaOPS 1 Star Sea Kayaking Course

Aim: To introduce sea kayaking to beginners
Environment: Sea
Time: 0900 to 1600 hours
Cost: S$80 per pax
Type of Craft: Single Seat Decked Kayaks

• Personal Kayaking Equipment
• Expedition Theory Part 1
• Weather Hazards
• Environmental Hazards

• Carrying and lifting of kayaks with and without assistance
• All 1 day Expedition
• Launching off and coming ashore
• Forward Paddling
• Reverse Paddling
• Forward and Reverse Sweep Strokes
• Moving Sideways: “J” Draw
• Moving Sideways: Classic Draw
• Moving Sideways: Sculling Draw
• Low Brace
• Stern Rudder
• Capsize Drill with assisted rescue using bilge pumps
• Emptying of water on land
• Emptying of water in sea
• Expedition of at least 3km

SeaOPS 1 Star Kayaking Course